
“No one can do everything, but everyone can do something”

Fostering is an excellent way to help our animals. We are always looking for foster families to temporarily house and care for dogs and cats. Each foster request requires a short interview where we will discuss responsibilities and determine the best match with our available animals. Not every animal is suited for every foster home.

We greatly appreciate when our foster families can assume responsibility for food and veterinary care. However, we know that taking on the cost of fostering animals on a temporary basis can be costly and we do work with our foster network to provide food and cover vet costs as needed.

If you are interested in fostering one of our dogs or cats check out our Foster page.

We currently house more than two dozen dogs. While in our care, we strive to ensure each dog receives regular walks, exercise, and play time. We greatly appreciate volunteers who can come to help us provide this important exercise and stimulation.

We also appreciate when people are able to volunteer their time to help us with maintenance and upkeep of our facilities. Carpentry skills are welcomed. We are authorized to supervise community service hours as well.

If you are interested in volunteering your time please reach out to us on Facebook Messenger.

As an all-volunteer organization 100% funded by donations, we are in constant need of donations and fundraising support. We know not everyone can help with monetary contributions, but we also greatly appreciate help with our fundraising initiatives. We typically work to organize several fundraisers throughout the year, such as yard/rummage sales, online auctions, and other common fundraising formats.

If you have a passion for fundraising and would like to volunteer your time to fully manage or help run a fundraiser, please contact us on Facebook Messenger.

As a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation we maintain a board made up of members from the local Grant County community. The board meets periodically to discuss stewardship of our resources, fundraising ideas, and plans for the future.

We are currently looking for a Treasurer, Adoption Coordinator, and Special Events Coordinator. Please note that all board positions are fully volunteer.

If you are interested in serving on the board please contact us on Facebook Messenger.
